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Below you will find a handful of colleagues whom I have worked with and trust. Everyone on the list speaks a basic level of English and does impeccable work. I hope that you find some additional resources here as you continue on your pregnancy and parenting journey.
SpeakEasy Sprachschule
Language School
A super cool language school and most of the weekend GentleBirth classes are held at SpeakEasy.
Doula Service
Post-Partum Doula, Breast Feeding Consultant, Baby Massage and Fabel Baby Classes
Milla Hebammen Praxis
Milla Hebamme Praxis: Hebammen Praxis- A lovely group of kind and experienced English speaking midwives. Mindful Mama Morning Meetups and
2x Parents class take place at Milla.
Baby and Children’s classes
Baby and Children’s classes in English with a focus on International Families
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